We are in Phase 3:
We’re excited to announce that we have re-opening our IN-Person services on Sundays & Wednesdays.
Here are the guidelines that we will be following for our services.
Just Remember:
All of these guidelines are for the safety of all of us. We cannot be too careful so please do your best to adhere to these guidelines. If you or anyone in your household has underlining health conditions or you don’t feel comfortable meeting with us in person, please don’t feel obligated to get out. You can still catch all of our services on-line, on our Facebook page, Youtube channel, or our website gracebaptistdecatur.com/live You will not be looked down on or judged for staying safe in your home.
1. We will have our Sunday services at 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM. (This service will be live-streamed)
2. We will have our Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 PM also. (This service will be live-streamed)
3. We will not be having any Sunday School classes at this time.
4. We will not be running buses.
5. We will not have any Kids’ Programs or Nurseries. Mom’s with young children or nursery age children need to take that into consideration.
6. There will be no choir, and the words to the hymns will be on the screen. You may use a hymnbook at your discretion.
7. The offering plates will be placed at the entrances so that those who choose to give can do so as they enter and leave the building. We will not pass the plates.
8. Social distancing should be practiced at your discretion. There are hand sanitizer stations at the entrances.
9. Anyone that feels the need to wear a mask and/or gloves is free to do so.
10. We ask that families sit together. We will have every pew available but please maintain a 6-foot distance between families on each pew.
11. The restrooms will be open, but we would advise you to only make yourself available to them if it is an emergency.
12. The bookstore and welcome room will be closed. We will not have coffee or donuts to offer before services.